The ancient Native American tribes had a deep and abiding appreciation for the land and all living things upon it.
They did not view themselves as the masters of all that they saw. Instead, their relationship with nature was more of a partnership, a symbiotic union that was precious and highly treasured.
I am a descendant of the Cherokee tribe. Although my modern day to day life has little in common with my ancestors, I too share their love for the natural world. It feeds my soul and heals my disquieting thoughts.
Solace and strength is found in the stunningly endless palette of colors found in a sunset, as the last rays of the day's sunlight dance across the clouds. In the precision and unison of the colorful feathers that adorn the wings of a shorebird. In the soothing and calming waters of a babbling brook that eventually becomes a river and then plunges over high rocks into a mighty waterfall that inspires respect for its awesome power. In the incredible humility that is felt when standing beside a tree that seemingly has no end and will probably outlive me by many generations. In the bright and deep colors of a flower that cheers me up and brings a smile to my face. In the wonder of a star filled sky as the Milky Way makes its appearance to remind me of just how small we really are.
I wish that I could also capture the smell, touch and feel of nature as well. But I could spend many lifetimes just trying to faithfully record the beauty and grandeur of nature through my camera lens alone, and yet I still would not come even close to the amazing reality of it all. Hopefully my ability to share my love for the land and all natural things will improve as I continue practicing my art. But truthfully, what I do is nothing more than a child at play in the garden of a master designer.